Saturday, July 27, 2013

Love Letter No. 5

“Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive...Never surrender.” ~Wisdom once shared by the late, great, and incomparable, Mr. Tupac Shakur. 

So many times in life, we, unexpectedly, reach a place of unhappiness and/or discontent; an emotional state that may cause us to want to give up on our dreams.  But a dream deferred is not the death of that dream, it is; however, a journey that will take you down a winding road.  A journey consisting of ups and downs, highs and lows, along with feelings of joy and sometimes even pain.  I know firsthand how it feels to feel like your life has become stagnant with that "so called" proverbial, pause button having been pushed.  It seems as though no progress has been made, and sadly, the reality of having to take a few steps back can feel like the end of the world.  But, a setback is not a satisfactory reason or an acceptable excuse to give up on your goals.  What it is; however, is an opportunity to humble yourself and an opportunity to learn from your mistakes, thus, creating an opportunity for you to plan the ultimate comeback.  

Corey, I love how you believe SO strongly in your dreams of becoming a top selling recording artist.  In fact, you inspire me to dream BIG and to hold fast to my dreams, too.  I discern how badly you want this; I hear how badly you want this; and I sense how badly you want this, too.  Son, I've learned that anything that is worth believing in is worth me fighting for.  Therefore, I want you to fight for your dreams, and that is, I want you to fight against any thought in your head that you may have of not being good enough.  I want you to fight through any fear that you may hold of being rejected by people in the industry and fight past any belief that you may entertain of not having what it takes to be preeminent (whether it be from an internal or external force).  In a nutshell, you are better than good and rejection won't stop you from reaching your dreams because you, Corey, are a STAR.   

It is in your destiny to be great.  

Love always,


Friday, May 24, 2013

Love Letter No. 4

From the very first day your eyes focused in on my face, I knew that my life would never be the same again, as I felt the weight of the world upon my shoulders. I was given the assignment to be your mother, and at times, your teacher and your cheerleader, too. But no matter the role, I gladly accepted.

I hope that you’ve learned a thing or two along the way by the very essence in which I have lived my life. Not only did I strive extremely hard to be a good mother, but I also aimed to demonstrate to you what a good &/or respectable woman looks like. And though I didn’t always get things right, and although there were tough times, never once did I ever regret having you. In fact, I went to college because of you and your brother, as I was determined not to raise the two of you in a hopeless-minded environment. I was inspired by your innocence. And during the tough seasons, those times in which I wanted to throw in the towel; it was the daydream in your eyes that wouldn’t let me; it was the sweet giggle in your voice that wouldn’t permit me; it was the whisper in your heart that wouldn’t allow me to give up on my goals. And so, I journeyed on. I discovered my strength. My strength was you, Corey & Jermaine.

So whenever you have those dark moments, moments when self-doubt or worry attempts to uncover its ugly head, I challenge you to find your strength. Find what inspires you, and that is, something that has deep, intangible meaning; one that will ultimately grant you peace.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). 

Love always,

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Love Letter No. 3

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"- Albert Einstein 

The journey of life was never designed to be a smooth road, for along this journey there are highs and lows, peaks and valleys, as well as joy and pain.  And no one is exempt from experiencing the trials of life, as we all make mistakes, and we all come short of God's glory.  Ironically, most accomplished people have failed at least one time while on the road to success.  Take Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, for example.  Before Mr. Edison successfully created the world's first light bulb, he had; however, over 1,000 unsuccessful results.  Over 1,000 failed experiments, and yet, he never gave up on his pursuit to create the light bulb.  Now get this, when asked why he failed so many times before he was able to achieve his goal, Thomas Edison plainly replied:  "I have not failed. I've just found 1,000 ways that won't work."  Wow!  I find Edison's perspective on his journey towards achieving his goal to be profound, as he offered an alternative way of regarding one's disappointments. 

Should you, Corey, stumble or fall along your journey, it won't and doesn't make you any less of a man.  It does; nonetheless, make you human.  But, what should you do should you happen to fall?  The answer is simple.  You get back up, learn from your mistake, and try going at it again.  Only next time, try going at it in a different way.  To guide you along your journey, I wish to leave you with a few things to consider.  Corey:

-Always try to choose quality over quantity. 
-Never opt to taking the shortcut but instead opt to taking as long as the task requires. 
-Choose integrity over compromising your morals/values. 
-Always try to take the high road instead of going to an angry place. 

Son, never be afraid of making a mistake, as it is more important to learn from your mistakes rather than to repeat them over and over again.  So remember this, you can never be looked upon as a failure as long as you genuinely, sincerely and honestly gave it your best. 

Love always,

Friday, January 4, 2013

Love Letter No. 2

I believe that inside every person there in lies a special gift.   A gift that God has blessed each person to have.   Whether or not that gift is alive within you or lying dormant inside, anxiously awaiting its birth, it is up to you to discover your special gift and to use it.  I believe that you, Corey, have discovered your special gift.  Your ability to translate your thoughts from the cerebral and then to transform those very thoughts by giving them lyrical life astounds me each time you create a verse.  It is your point of view in which you offer that makes you quite unique.  I love that you, at times, come across as awkward, as I, too, come across as gauche at times.  So, it should come as no surprise to you that eccentric people are often misunderstood by the masses; however, the way in which you see the world is not a fallacy.  Just understand that your opinions are just that "your opinions," for it is more advantageous to be understood by others than for others to agree with your worldview.  

Son, hold firm to your convictions and your beliefs, but not too firm in that you become unwilling to rationalize and to think logically.  Corey, please understand that the gift that you have been entrusted with comes with great responsibility. Therefore, I encourage you to think responsibly, to write responsibly, and most importantly, to act responsibly. 

May your gifts open doors for you that NO man can close.

Love always,

Love Letter No. 1

I see the frustration in your eyes, but it doesn't overshadow the hope that gleams and pierces right through your iris. Hold your head up, Corey. Sometimes I hear a little doubt in your voice, but it doesn't overpower the metaphors, similes, and personifications that effortlessly roll off your tongue. Confess your greatness daily, Corey. At times, your kinetic energy feels low, but it doesn't overlap the synergistic power that your mind holds when you creatively connect with another like-mind. Always surround yourself with positive people, Corey.
It doesn't matter how long it takes for you to achieve your goals. What matters most is that you don't give up in the process. The taste and smell of the sweet aroma of success is waiting for you, Corey. No regrets!
Worry looks around,
Sorry looks back,
And Faith looks up!
Love always,

My Personal Statement: Blog's Purpose

When my son, Corey, came to me approximately two years ago & declared that he wanted to become a rapper, I panicked. I thought to myself, "Son! This is NOT what I had in mind for you!" And despite my plea, he remained committed to pursuing his dreams. I eventually realized that it's not for me to decide my children's path, as self-determination is an individual assignment. So, unwilling to risk the possibility of becoming alienated from my son, I finally got with the program...I got onboard.

Today, I proudly announce to the world that I, Jessica, support my son; I believe in my son; and of course, I love my son! If you take an interest in your son/daughter's love for the arts, and his/her dreams of becoming a professional artist or entertainer someday, then join me in salute to all who have the courage to chase their dreams. Never. Give. Up.

Here's to you, Corey.